Please review the following guidelines and keep them in mind when participating in the community.
- Users are limited to one account per person, and accounts should not be shared.
- When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others.
- Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site. If you're posting anything that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), please prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others.
- Referral links are not allowed in the community, and if you choose to post a link, please be sure all referral codes have been removed.
- Avoid using link shorteners, as they obscure the destination of the link, making it difficult for users to know what they're clicking.
- User avatars should be appropriate for all ages. If you have a NSFW Steam avatar, please change it prior to using the site.
- Use spoiler tags appropriately, and when referring to potential spoilers in games or other media released in recent years.
- Do not hijack another user's trade for your own benefit, and keep your trades in their appropriate topics.
- Include a summary of what you want [W] and have [H] in your trade title to help with readability.
- Regional or trading restrictions on gifts or items you're planning to trade should be specified in the description.
- Trading Steam accounts, or accounts from other gaming services is not allowed if it's forbidden by their terms of service.
- Use the integrated bump feature when you need to bump your trade, and do not post and remove comments in an attempt to increase visibility.
- Users are allowed a limited number of active trades. Please close trades that are no longer relevant or available before posting new ones.
- Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you.
Please read and take note of the listed rules for using our site.
Fundamental rules
- Each user can have only one account. Giving access to your account to other people is prohibited.
- Respect the privacy and rights of others.
- Pirated, pornographic and other materials that may be unacceptable for visitors to the site are not allowed to be posted. If you publish a link to material that may not be safe for workplace perception (NSFW, not safe for work), include each link or image with this mark.
- The publication of referral links is prohibited. When publishing links to other resources, remove all referral elements.
- Do not use sites that hide links. Without seeing which site the link leads to, the user cannot be sure of its safety.
- User avatars should be perceptible to people of all ages. If your Steam avatar falls under the NSFW theme, change it before using our site.
- Use the spoiler tag when discussing spoilers for games, movies and other recently released entertainment materials.
- Do not advertise your trading offers in other users' posts.
- Correctly inform users that you want to sell [H] or buy [W]. This helps to navigate in the mass of offers.
- If your games or items have regional or trade restrictions, mention this in the text of the offer.
- Trading Steam accounts or other services is prohibited.
- Use the bump function to draw attention to your proposal. Do not use comment creation or deletion for this purpose.
- The number of simultaneously open trading offers for each user is limited. Remember to close old, irrelevant offers before opening new ones.
- Positive and negative reviews in profiles should reflect the result of your trade relations with users. They can not be used to: (a) negative comments in case of disagreement with someone’s offer, (b) comments with a view to avenge the negative feedback left in your profile, and (c) comments that are not related to trading or comments about trading relationships not related to you personally.